
How Easy Is It To Learn Vietnamese

If yous enquire a Vietnamese person nearly their language, you lot will get a "very hard" answer. This is almost the general view of people. So when you call up almost how to learn Vietnamese, you well-nigh feel dismayed. Nevertheless, Vietnamese may be easier than what yous call up.

Information technology is indisputable that with six accents and then many vowels different from English, Vietnamese pronunciation is difficult. Only near people in Vietnam within a yr will recognize pronunciation every bit the but thing that hinders Vietnamese, other factors are like shooting fish in a barrel – peculiarly when compared to most other European languages.

Vietnamese is not gender.

If you have studied French, Spanish, German or almost any European language except English, you will be relieved considering Vietnamese has no concept of male or female for vocabulary. You just need to memorize every word without having to memorize anything more.

Vietnamese ignores the article "a", "the"

If a greenhorn learns English language and asks you when to utilise "a" and "the", can you lot explain it in detail? This is a complicated outcome, even the article well-nigh manufactures on Wikipedia pages is longer than 2,500 words.

Nevertheless, is it really of import to apply "a" and "the" earlier a subject? In a simpler way, you can eliminate them because of things that are obvious, listeners tin likewise sympathise you without adding the article. That's exactly what Vietnamese people nevertheless do. "Người" is a word that means "a person" and "the person" that the listener still does non worry about.

Vietnamese has no plural.

In English, when we want to testify something in plural, nosotros oftentimes add "due south" at the finish of the word. Thus, "dog" becomes "dogs", "tabular array" becomes "tables" and "house" into "houses". Even so, many "person" exceptions to "people", "mouse" to "mice", "man" to "men" and some words like "sheep" or "fish" accept not changed.

In Vietnamese, every word is like "sheep" – con cừu. The "person" I mentioned to a higher place tin can also be used as "people" or "person", "chó" every bit "canis familiaris" or "dogs", "bàn" every bit "tabular array" or "tables" … If you have questions that this may cause confusion, ask yourself, accept you ever heard someone tell about "that sheep", "that domestic dog" and confused considering y'all don't write how many children they're referring to objects in that story or not?

If you demand detailed information, y'all just need to hands add a word before that noun, like "i person", "people" (some people) or "all the people".

Vietnamese does not have different forms of verbs.

It is sad for Castilian learners to say simple words like "hablar" (nói), they notwithstanding accept to learn v or vi dissimilar forms (depending on the locality) to express the exact verb class this. "I hablo", "y'all hablas", "he habla", "we hablamos" and this list is non over yet. A verb in Spanish can include fifty unlike forms that students must memorize.

English language is non like Spanish but a give-and-take too includes many unlike forms depending on the context. For example, the verb "speak" can plough the way (inflect) into "speaks", "speaking", "spoken" or "spoke".

Vietnamese is a completely unmodified language – no words changed in any context. For case, "speak in Vietnamese" is "nói" and you ever use "say in any instance -" I nói", "yous nói", "he nói", "she nói", "we nói", "y'all nói" and "they nói". This can save tens, even hundreds of hours of learning compared to a European language.

The Vietnamese linguistic communication can be completed in 2 minutes.

You only need to add the following five words listed in front of the original verb to express the desire: "đã" – past, "mới" – but at present, closer to the present with "already", "đang" – right now, the near time to come, "sắp" – the near future, "sẽ" – in the future.

Vietnamese is really too easy. In improver to the in a higher place 5 words, you have a number of other words, but merely need 5 words, you can express upwards to 99% correctly. I will give y'all a few examples:

– Tôi ăn cơm = I eat rice.

– Tôi đã ăn cơm = I ate rice.

– Tôi mới ăn cơm = I accept just eaten rice.

– Tôi đang ăn cơm = I am eating rice (right now).

– Tôi sắp ăn cơm = I am going to swallow rice, I am well-nigh to eat rice.

– Tôi sẽ ăn cơm = I will eat rice.

Moreover, you can ignore these words if the sentence context is clear plenty. For case, "Tôi ăn cơm hôm qua" like "I eat rice yesterday" – the discussion "hôm qua (yesterday)" has shown something in the by, the discussion "đã (already)" is no longer necessary and then this sentence is completely grammatical in Vietnamese also "I eat rice yesterday" is again completely grammatical with English language.

Y'all do not have to learn the new alphabet.

learning vietnamese is easy if you catch these points - Learning Vietnamese is easy if you catch these points.
Vietnamese Alphabet

You should thank the French for this. About 100 years ago, a function of Vietnamese people still used a complex hieroglyphic system chosen "Nom script", which has the same characters as Chinese at present. Today, that has been changed 100% past the Latin alphabet, chosen the script. Therefore, different with Standard mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Thai, Cambodian, Korean or dozens of other Asian languages, you don't demand to learn the alphabet. All you need is to add together diacritic marks to analyze your tone and you tin can read Vietnamese now.

How to pronounce Vietnamese words completely in accord with a rule.

Quick question: "How do you lot read 'read', 'object', 'close' and 'present'?". You volition have to worry about how they are in the context: "Was it shut" or "Did you close?", "Did y'all nowadays the present", "Read what I've read" or "Object to the object ? " (These words have different reading, depending on the discussion, meaning)

Compared to the languages ​​I know, the pronunciation of English words is really inconsistent because the same words can be read differently in each context. Even each letter is read a lot of different sounds, such as "a" in "catch", "male", "farmer", "bread", "read" and "meta". English learners all over the earth accept a lot of difficulties in remembering how English words are written and read with rules.

On the other hand, Vietnamese linguistic communication has no such unreasonable characteristics. All letters are always read like that even if the give-and-take or context changes (however, this is more than accurate in Vietnamese than in Hanoi – where at that place is a little sound that has inconsistencies in reading). One time you memorize the 28 Vietnamese letters that are almost identical to the 26 English messages and sympathise the differences of accents created, you lot can read any word correctly.

Vietnamese grammar near does not exist.

As I mentioned, Vietnamese allows y'all to omit the word, in the sentence, such equally "I eat rice yesterday" if the context helps listeners understand correctly. This is a typical example for a larger perspective: Vietnamese grammer is very simple. Y'all nigh always use the minimum number of words to express your point of view and grammar remains accurate even with English language, the word pairing ordinarily only creates an error.

This is as well the reason you can hear many Vietnamese people say English sentences similar "no accept", "where yous go". They are translating straight what is oftentimes said in Vietnamese into English, forgetting that there are a number of complicated rules that English users must follow. This is a great disadvantage for Vietnamese people who desire to learn English only vice versa, a great reward for English language speakers who desire to learn Vietnamese.

Vietnamese vocabulary is extremely logical.

Most foreigners in Vietnam, though not speaking this language, know the interesting fact that "xe ôm" – the proper noun of a transport vehicle similar a motorbike taxi, is simply mapped from "hug vehicle". Simply things don't stop there, a large percentage of vocabulary in Vietnam is made up of a formula that combines two logical words together, while in English, you have to learn a completely new vocabulary. For example, if I tell yous "máy" means "motorcar", "bay" means "flying", exercise you guess what "máy bay" means?

There are many other examples I tin can list for you lot: a bench – ghế dài – a long chair, a refrigerator – tủ lạnh – a cold cupboard, a bra – áo ngực – a breast shirt, a wheel – xe đạp – a pedal vehicle; to ski – trượt tuyết – to slide snowfall, a tractor – máy kéo – pulling automobile, a zebra – ngựa vằn – a striped horse.

Such word matching tin help you speedily learn new words. One time you accept a basic vocabulary, you can automatically know hundreds of other words without learning more.

Notable features for you to learn Vietnamese easier.

Why is Vietnamese like shooting fish in a barrel?

Below is a summary of fifteen reasons why Vietnamese is easy to learn, much easier than many other languages.

  • 1. Short words. Short words and easy to learn. Many mutual words like sleep and go have just one syllable, and even multi-syllable words as interesting are often short.
  • 2. Steady tone. The tone does not change depending on the context; that is, the tone of every syllable is ever the aforementioned.
  • 3. No gender. Vietnamese has no grammatical gender. Gender is a major obstacle for learners of many languages, such as Standard arabic and High german, considering the give-and-take form is ofttimes irregular and irrational.
  • 4. No plural. Vietnamese has no plural form, whether noun or adjective or verb. Plural forms tin be very irregular (as in German and Arabic) and therefore difficult to learn.
  • 5. No articles. Vietnamese has no article. In many languages ​​such equally German and Portuguese, mastering the article is a difficult job, because their give-and-take form can be based on gender, quantity, and mode.
  • 6. Do not divide verbs. Vietnamese verbs need not be divided; that is, they only e'er have one class. Some languages ​​have hundreds of verbs, and learners may accept to spend years to learn.
  • seven. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Vietnamese tenses are created by a small number of sub-words from pre-ordered verbs, such as for the past and for the future. Therefore, you can proficiently use Vietnamese tenses inside minutes.
  • 8. Non required to apply it. The specified sub-words can exist omitted if the context has clarified the give-and-take, or by word time, as in My lunch yesterday.
  • 9. No mode. The Vietnamese word does not change in a grammatical way (as a way of giving or giving way), making this language much easier to acquire than languages ​​with a complex organisation of ways like German.
  • ten. No matching. Because the Vietnamese word does not change and there is no verb conjugation, they never change co-ordinate to the time, quantity, and gender of other words in the sentence, different many other languages.
  • 11. Piece of cake to read. Vietnamese is written in the Latin alphabet with accents. It is much easier to read than other Asian languages ​​such as Chinese and Japanese, which are written in non-Latin scripts.
  • 12. Easy to write. Vietnamese is easy to write because it uses the Latin alphabet and because its spelling is quite stable, unlike languages ​​like French and English.
  • thirteen. Piece of cake words. Vietnamese is created based on Chinese model. Considering each syllable has a clear significant (usually taken from a Chinese character), we can easily sympathize the significant of a chemical compound word if nosotros know the significant of each chemical element in the compound word.
  • fourteen. Like shooting fish in a barrel grammar. Vietnamese grammer is much easier than many other languages, because of features such every bit verb conjugation and transformation of words in a way that is not present, while other characteristics, such equally plural and so, It's easy to use and also
  • 15. Information density. Vietnamese puts more than data into the aforementioned book of syllables than other mainstream world languages, and this makes learning easier because short words express meaning more effectively.

Why is Vietnamese difficult?

vietnamese diacritic - Learning Vietnamese is easy if you catch these points.
Vietnamese Diacritic

Beneath is a summary of the reasons why Vietnamese are difficult to learn.

Difficult to pronounce.
  • 1. Consonant. The bulk of the consonants of these xix consonants are similar to English and are easy to pronounce, simply the beginning and 2d, as in the language, tin be hard to say.
  • 2. Vowels. Vietnamese has 11 vowels and many double vowels and iii vowels. For learners, the most difficult vowels are probably / u /, / ơ /, / â /, and / like /.
  • 3. Syllable. There are well-nigh 7000 syllables, some are complex structures, and many syllables are hard to pronounce, such equally chirping, tilting, lifting, and postage stamp.
  • four. The tone. Vietnamese really has eight rather than six tones. Some tones are difficult to read, such equally heavy and falling marks.

People often call back information technology's easier to larn to utilize a language more passively (read and listen) than to actively use information technology (speaking and writing). For Vietnamese, it seems that speaking tin exist easier than listening, for the following reasons.

  • 1. Sounds difficult. Vietnamese phonemes are rich and complex: 11 vowels, 19 (or 20) consonants, 8 last syllables, and 8 tones combined to create nearly 7000 syllables, some of which are quite similar and difficult to distinguish, such as nhinh [ɲïʲŋ], nghinh [ŋïʲŋ], and tilt [ŋiəŋ]
  • 2. Difficult tone. Information technology tin can be difficult to tell the departure between some tones when the speaker is speaking fast, such as the difference between the outside, the outside, and the exterior when speaking fast.
  • iii. Speak fast. Vietnamese is often spoken slowly, but if the speaker speaks rapidly, is unclear, or has a low voice, understanding becomes difficult.
  • iv. Vocabulary. A major obstacle to learning any language is the presence of foreign words and phrases. But even if you already know the majority of words, you lot may still find it difficult to sympathize Vietnamese.
  • 5. Estimated. If anyone asks y'all an unexpected question, you lot will misunderstand even if you know every give-and-take in that question.
  • 6. Hearing memory. If you learn a word by reading just rarely hear it, you may non recognize information technology. Y'all demand a "auditory epitome," non but a visual image, to sympathize the word when you hear it.
  • 7. Loss of control. When yous talk, you are the one who controls the subject, the vocabulary, and the speed, just when you hear, the other person takes command and yous tin go lost. Therefore speaking is easier than listening.
  • viii. Information density. Although high information density makes Vietnamese linguistic communication easier to larn, information technology may really brand listening harder because you lot may take more time to absorb more dumbo information.
Pronouns and word types.
  • i. Pronouns. At that place are dozens of pronouns, and to use them correctly requires cognition of cultural and social factors. A confusing thing is that the same word, like blood brother and sister, tin signal to the first person and the 2d person.
  • two. Type of word. Vietnamese has a number of rich words, using them is mandatory, and remembering which words fit with any noun can be quite a difficult chore.

Vietnamese is easier than you think: Volition I prove to you that Vietnamese is easier than what you always idea of? Hopefully I dismissed some rumors, misunderstandings nigh Vietnamese that you have heard before and understand more than most this language.

Source: G. Millo, Jack Halpern.


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