
What Factors Affect English Language Laerners Learning And Literacy?

Factors Affecting the English Reading Literacy of Junior Loftier School Students


This study aims at finding out how: (one) amount of input, (2)  corporeality of vocabulary, (three) learner'due south motivation, (4) amount of input, amount of vocabulary, and learner's motivation affect the English reading literacy; (5) amount of input affects corporeality of vocabulary, (6) amount of vocabulary affects learner's motivation, and (vii)  amount of input affects learner's motivation. This study was an ex-post facto. The population comprised year 7 students of SMP'southward in Bantul District in the 2d semester of the academic year of 2013/2014. A sample of 384 students was established using the proportional sampling technique. The data were collected through a close-ended questionnaire and examination. The shut-concluded questionnaire was used to collect the data related to students' learning input and motivation. The test was used to find out the students' cognition on vocabulary and reading comprehension. The data were analyzed by employing the linear regression analysis for the linear variables, continued by the multiple regression analysis for the whole variables, and then followed past fractional correlation. The findings showed that in that location is a significant effect of: (1) amount of input; (two) amount of vocabulary; (3) amount of inputs, the learner'southward motivation, and amount of vocabulary; (4) corporeality of inputs and learner'due south motivation; (5) learner's motivation and amount of vocabulary; and (6) amount of inputs and corporeality of vocabulary on the English reading literacy of SMP students in Bantul District. Meanwhile, in that location is no significant issue of learner's motivation on the English language reading literacy of SMP students in Bantul District.


the amount of inputs, the amount of vocabulary, learner's motivation, the English language reading literacy


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